
Paul Berney
Jun 5, 20244 min read
Day 9 off to the ferry
You know things must be improving when I want to complain about coffee. I was going to start today's blog with a small rant about coffee...
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Paul Berney
Jun 3, 20244 min read
Day 8 Kleve to Oosterwijk 118km
Well, there you go. The longest ride of the trip so far, almost all on dedicated bike paths moving from Germany to the Netherlands. An...
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Paul Berney
Jun 2, 20244 min read
Day 7 Dusseldorf to Kleve 98km
While not exactly a cliffhanger, when I posted my blog last night I was still on the train heading towards Frankfurt hoping not to be...
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Paul Berney
Jun 1, 20246 min read
Day 6 middle of nowhere to Neustadt 38km
WhatsApp conversation this morning. Me: This is not turning out to be the trip I planned. My mate Ieaun: Why don’t you just tell people...
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Paul Berney
May 31, 20243 min read
Day 4 Passau to Landshut 28km*
"If it wasn't for bad luck wouldn't have no luck at all" Albert King Do you ever have the feeling that you are cursed? I’m starting to...
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Paul Berney
May 31, 20246 min read
Day 5 Landshut to Gisselthausen - 32km
Tomorrow I’m expecting a plague of locusts or frogs, as the gods of cycling continue to punish me for some unknown crime. Today I may as...
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Paul Berney
May 29, 20244 min read
Day 3: Linz to Passau 98km
Arriving in Passau and crossing the border in Germany has reminded me of the funniest thing I ever heard a German say (surprisingly they...
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Paul Berney
May 29, 20244 min read
Day 2: Krems to Linz. 50km.
In the language that brought us 'schadenfreude', inevitably there must be a word in German for that feeling you have when you think you...
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Paul Berney
May 28, 20243 min read
Day 1: Vienna Airport to Krems an der Donau. 105km
It's been a while eh? After what seems like years, I'm finally off on another solo long ride home. This will be my longest. If everything...
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Paul Berney
Apr 17, 20181 min read
Rapha say "Yes!"
Well this makes me excited all over again. I met with Aleda Fitzpatrick of Rapha Cycle Club today by chance at the Clubhouse in soho. I...
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Paul Berney
Apr 2, 20181 min read
Bianchi say "No"
Well that was quick. Frazer Hare the Bianchi UK sales rep asked head office if I could start my ride from their gates. They refused point...
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