
Paul Berney
Jun 6, 20244 min read
Day 10 heading to Cambridge
Well, apart from the shock to the system of the 6:30am start, the crappy road services again and reacquainting myself with hills, that...
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Paul Berney
Jun 5, 20244 min read
Day 9 off to the ferry
You know things must be improving when I want to complain about coffee. I was going to start today's blog with a small rant about coffee...
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Paul Berney
Jun 3, 20244 min read
Day 8 Kleve to Oosterwijk 118km
Well, there you go. The longest ride of the trip so far, almost all on dedicated bike paths moving from Germany to the Netherlands. An...
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Paul Berney
Jun 1, 20246 min read
Day 6 middle of nowhere to Neustadt 38km
WhatsApp conversation this morning. Me: This is not turning out to be the trip I planned. My mate Ieaun: Why don’t you just tell people...
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Paul Berney
May 31, 20246 min read
Day 5 Landshut to Gisselthausen - 32km
Tomorrow I’m expecting a plague of locusts or frogs, as the gods of cycling continue to punish me for some unknown crime. Today I may as...
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Paul Berney
May 29, 20244 min read
Day 3: Linz to Passau 98km
Arriving in Passau and crossing the border in Germany has reminded me of the funniest thing I ever heard a German say (surprisingly they...
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Paul Berney
May 29, 20244 min read
Day 2: Krems to Linz. 50km.
In the language that brought us 'schadenfreude', inevitably there must be a word in German for that feeling you have when you think you...
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Paul Berney
May 28, 20243 min read
Day 1: Vienna Airport to Krems an der Donau. 105km
It's been a while eh? After what seems like years, I'm finally off on another solo long ride home. This will be my longest. If everything...
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Paul Berney
Aug 27, 20211 min read
Riding the Long Way Home by the numbers
Distance 1,402km Elevation 14,376m Time 70 hours Speed Average 20kph Weight of fully laden bike 19kg...
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Paul Berney
Aug 26, 20213 min read
Day 13 - I have ridden the Long Way Home
It’s inevitable that at the end of a ride like this that I would have mixed emotions. I am happy to have finished, there’s definitely a...
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Paul Berney
Aug 25, 20216 min read
Day 12 - the end is in sight
I started day 12 of my ride sitting in the sun in the market square in Salisbury sipping coffee and watching the world go by. This is a...
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Paul Berney
Aug 24, 20214 min read
Day 11 - sunshine and smiles all round
I've got just two days and roughly 200km to go. 11 days have flown past. Well, 9 days have. The first two were tortuous and each one...
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Paul Berney
Aug 23, 20214 min read
Day 10 - a day to remember
Today is always going to stick in my mind for one reason only: it was the day I rode a bike with my Dad for the first and probably only...
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Paul Berney
Aug 22, 20214 min read
Day 9 - back to the hard stuff
Well that was a proper Riding the Long Way Home day. It was physically tough enough to leave me knackered and mentally tough enough to...
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Paul Berney
Aug 21, 20213 min read
Day 8 - Easy Does it
Throughout this trip I've been staying in a combination of Premier Inn hotels, Airbnb's and with some friends. Last nights Airbnb,...
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Paul Berney
Aug 19, 20213 min read
Day 6 - up Ventoux*
Today was a game of two halves: a morning spent with a new friend and the first solo kilometres of the trip this afternoon. First things...
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Paul Berney
Aug 18, 20214 min read
Day 5 - my cycling legs have arrived
My day 5 legs have arrived exactly on schedule. It's like I ordered them on Amazon Prime yesterday, got them out of the box and put them...
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Paul Berney
Aug 17, 20213 min read
RTLWH Day 4 - Ooh that's Flash
What the cycling God's can give with one hand they can take away with the other. After yesterday's excellent recovery ride, today was a...
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Paul Berney
Aug 16, 20213 min read
RTLWH Day 3 - it's all about recovery
I'm not sure how many readers of this blog are familiar with the concept of there being different types of fun, but it goes something...
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Paul Berney
Aug 15, 20213 min read
RTLWH - Day 2. The road to Wigan's here
I think there is a special sense of accomplishment when you complete something you were convinced that you couldn't do. By lunchtime...
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