
Paul Berney
Mar 5, 20206 min read
Steady progress is boring isn't it?
A goal without a plan is just a wish. I've got a plan but progress is slow and frustrating.
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Paul Berney
Jan 31, 20204 min read
To share or not to share...
Two years ago when I rode my first long ride home I kept it a secret from almost everyone I knew until a week beforehand. My wife knew...
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Paul Berney
Jan 15, 20204 min read
Just me, myself and I
When you picture yourself riding your bike, what do you see? Either in dreams or day dreams. Do you see yourself riding in a bunch,...
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Paul Berney
Jan 2, 20203 min read
Back to the future
The tough thing about writing a blog is deciding who you are writing for. This started as something I wrote just for myself and nearest...
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Paul Berney
Oct 6, 20193 min read
Girona Day 3 - The hype is justified
And so in a flash, it was over. No sooner had I handed back my hire bike, than I was already planning my return, promising myself I will...
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Paul Berney
Oct 6, 20193 min read
Girona Day 2 - Climbing Mare de Deu del Mont
I can't remember being so tired on a ride. Maybe last year on the day I got to Brussels. But this was a different beast. Today we...
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Paul Berney
Oct 6, 20194 min read
Girona Day 1 - The Costa Brava Loop
For years I have heard people say that Girona is the capital of cycling in Spain. This is normally said by people who have heard about...
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Paul Berney
Aug 12, 20193 min read
Day 8 - We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
Some final thoughts. Just over 10 years ago our eldest Danny was coming up to his 16th birthday and we offered him the choice of 'an...
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Paul Berney
Aug 12, 20194 min read
Day 8 Bicester to Warwick - The wheel is come full circle: I am here
I'll admit it did feel a little silly staying in a Premier Inn just over the road from Bicester Village last night. Just 65km from home....
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Paul Berney
Aug 11, 20194 min read
Day 7 London to Bicester - It is a wise father that knows his own child.
I didn't get to ride the whole way here and missed out the only real hills of our trip. Michael did ride it though and in his honour, his...
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Paul Berney
Aug 10, 20193 min read
Day 6 Maastrict to Brussels - if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
At the end of this road lies Brussels. Surprise. It's more Macdonalds Where do you go when they have removed the entire bridge? Some...
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Paul Berney
Aug 9, 20194 min read
Day 5 Venlo to Maastrict - too much of a good thing
Check out those wet cobbles! That's Gilbert in blue Evening all... For those of us of a certain age, Maastrict will forever be associated...
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Paul Berney
Aug 8, 20193 min read
Day 4 Haltern am See to Venlo - We have seen better days
On the evidence of this trip, running the Lower Saxony tourist office must be one of the toughest jobs in Germany. Outside of the big...
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Paul Berney
Aug 7, 20194 min read
Day 3 Osnabrück to Haltern - a tower of strength
Downton Abbey Deserted roads Ooh hills... The man who saved my day. I hate to break it to you, but I don't sit down and write these posts...
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Paul Berney
Aug 6, 20193 min read
Day 2 Verden to Osnabruck - the raging wind blows
Just before his 13th birthday Michael and I rode the Coast to Coast route together from Seascale to Gateshead. We did this over four days...
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Paul Berney
Aug 5, 20193 min read
Day 1 - Hamburg to Verden - Pleasure and action make the hours seem short.
They say you should never go back. You will never recapture the moment. Never feel what you felt again. Clearly the people who say this...
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Paul Berney
Aug 5, 20193 min read
This year's adventure ride - Hamburg to Home
The day before I left Milan for last year's journey I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. So many questions were going through...
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Paul Berney
Jul 22, 20194 min read
The Possibility of Adventure.
Think back to your first bike. Well perhaps not the first one with stabilisers or the one that you rode around your garden, street or...
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Paul Berney
Jul 1, 20195 min read
C2C: Dedicated Domestique Duties
Note: I wrote this the day after the C2C but didn't publish it. Something in the original version didn't feel right and so I left it in...
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Paul Berney
Jun 20, 20192 min read
Cheer the F*ck up!
I’ve got a bad back. It’s been a problem for years. It has stopped me from training properly and sometimes from riding at all over the...
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